Vibrato op verschillende instrumenten

Niet op elk instrument is vibrato mogelijk ("...pity the poor pianists who must do without! [Barthold Kuijken]).


Dat maakt de toepassing van het vibrato ook al verdacht. Trillers kun je op vrijwel elk instrument uitvoeren, ook met de zangstem. Maar bij het vibrato is het alleen voorbehouden aan enkele instrumenten... Er ontstaat de onvermijdbare, wat simpele gedachte "Als het kan dan moet het ook ..." Dit is uiteraard geen muzikaal argument.


Vibrato op de fluit

We citeren uit het boek "The Flute" van Philip Bates: 



Vibrato has been a bone of contention among wind players for 

centuries, and no doubt its excessive use can lead to vulgarity of style. 

On the other hand, used with discretion, it adds life and expressiveness 

to legato playing, provided always that the player has a good basic 

cantabile which is the foundation of everything. Although vibrato was 

recommended as long ago as Agricola's time, it has not, as far as I am 

aware, ever become part of academic wind teaching, and it remains a 

matter for the taste of the individual musician, and his understanding 

of the composer's intention. It should never become a mere habit. As a 

rule, flautists are the chief exponents of the device, as we have mentioned 

in regard to the French School, though reed players, too, employ it a 

good deal. There is some speculation as to the whys and wherefores of 

this, for today even the clarinet—traditionally played quite 'straight'— 

has submitted.l 

In flute playing vibrato is sometimes engendered with the lower lip, 

but better by the breath controlled by the diaphragm. The method is 

not easy to learn, and is best begun by practising slow rhythmical pulses, 

increasing in speed as facility is gained. As in good singing, deep 

breathing from the diaphragm is necessary for proper control in all 

wind playing, and the shallow 'top-of-the-lungs' method can only 

yield a monotonous mezzo-forte without reserves."


Janice Dockendorff Boland schrijft in haar "Method for the One-Keyed Flute" (de barok-dwarsfluit):


"I recommend that the one-keyed flute be played without any vibrato. 

Because vibrato has become such an integral part of our modern flute 

technique, some flutists have difficulty playing historical instruments without 

it. Eliminating the vibrato at first seems cold and lifeless to some. Yet the ear 

soon accepts the clarity and purity of tone of the one-keyed flute, and 

eventually the player does not feel the need to rely on vibrato as an important 

means of expression. Ask what you might do instead. Explore ways to shape 

and color individual notes. It will become immediately apparent that playing 

with a straight tone demands good intonation; vibrato cannot be used to cover 

intonation difficulties, as frequently happens with the modern flutist."






Vibrato's op violen of cello's kunnen op verschillende manieren gemaakt worden. De hiernaast afgebeelde wijze komt het meest voor. Er is sprake van een kanteling van de hand, met duimsteun, waarbij de vinger op de snaar heen en weer rolt, afwisselend in de richting van de krul of de kam, waarbij evenveel valsheid naar boven of beneden tot stand wordt gebracht. 

Vibrato op de klarinet

Wonderlijk genoeg wordt er op de klarinet niet gevibreerd. 

Het kan wel. 

Jean-Christian Michel - Aranjuez


Maar zonder is duidelijk beter voor de klank van het instrument. 

Mozart - Clarinet concert in A - Martin Fröst:


Of... Martin Fröst plays Klezmer dances by Göran Fröst (broer componist en violist)


Je kunt er ook zo naar kijken:

Vibrato On The Clarinet?! with Eddie Daniels:


Vibrato op het clavichord

Hier is te beluisteren hoe het vibrato klinkt op het clavichord (snaarinstrument met toetsenbord):